
Thursday, 12 January 2012

How to wear colour to gain more success : Men's Ties

Adding colour to your image is easier then you think. I thought I'd share some information I found about using colours to relate to outcomes you want to achieve.

Rhys Davis

Also it was a good excuse to post some pictures of my tie collection!

(Information gathered from an article written by Elena Reed from Sold! Magazine)

Remember : When choosing colours to wear, think about what outcome you want to achieve. For example in Real Estate choosing a Pink shirt is actually the best choice. Pink is an excellent when selling or negotiating.

Green = Balanced

It stands for security, comfort and calm.
Wear green in intense, high-tempered environments to calm down, sooth and balance the atmosphere.

Blue = Peace

There is a reason police uniforms are blue. It promotes loyalty, honesty and trust. This is a great colour to wear when you are in the final stages of a sale.

Brown = Stability

It stipulates you are organised, down to earth, straight to the point. Great choice for those "no-nonsense" clients and sceptical prospects.

Yellow = Intellectual

The colour of control, perfection and attention to detail. Excellent when dealing with particular, methodical and logical types.

Red = Strength

It makes you and others around you feel energised and ready to take action. Wear on the days you feel flat or when you want sparks to fly.